Hi, I’m Amanda from the Netherlands. Working out my life with a different limits, challenges and other obstacles in life, like we all do right? So I created this site just to share my thoughts, journeys and my creativity, because I don’t longer will be gendered as male and have several website’s across the internet I am going to bundle them all in here. I will discuss some topics of my interest and give you a glimpse in my life.
So you know…. I’m Amanda and having the age of 50, living part time with my daughter, living almost fulltime as a woman and I really love it and enjoy every single day.
Love to meat new people and starting to know them, it’s always a feeling of privilege. It has something to do with my past lives where I never wasn’t able to meet new people, so to me it makes it a bit more special I think. It has also to do that I feel way more comfortable after my transitioning, just such a better me.
I’m a total creative and unguided missile sometimes, I love to create, to learn and improve myself… So I will try to be short on my list of likes but here are some.
Drawing, Making music (most modern like Trance/Dance), Blender 3D, Computer drawing, Website building, Arduino and other electronics, Gaming on my Xbox (Generation Zero, Space engineers, Kirbal space, Battlefield 5), Make-up, Nail art, Gardening and probably I still miss a lot I didn’t mention. Most will be shown in time over here on my site so stay tuned.