
In a age of information it is a personal choice to stay ignorant. I get it that people might find themselves a bit frustrated about al the overwhelming LGBTQIA+ messages, commercials of company’s that claim to be friendly to the alphabet maffia. Frustrated because we have a Pride to celebrate. I totally get it, as …

6 December

A day to remember. After deciding it’s enough, I’m in a better place and situation than I ever have been, so 6 December marks the day of me being official done with transitioning. And that makes me very happy. When I look back at the last year, lot have changed but specially me. People I …

Tortuga Bay Beach Galapagos

Long time no see

So it has taken quit a while sinds posting here. A lot have past, good things and less good things or better said experienced. But everything is an challenge you can learn from. So I will summarise some things I didn’t post here yet. First off all, I am finally released from jail a.k.a. EX…. …

So it’s done…

Playing with the thoughts in my mind for a very long time, just going out as my female self. Last year I was planning to do so, like going in to town in the cover of darkness on the streets and wearing a mask because of the pandemic, that’s when the government decided to go …

No Bullshit


So I live my life and you yours, right? Well it should be. Same as with respect and confidentiality, not to mention intelligence. But why is it obviously that people think you are dumb? Is it because you’r transgender? Is it because they think they get away with it? You do not need to overrate …

Let’s make noise

So just getting the question lately what I’m up to, well making some music. So here are my most recent tracks. Down but not out by Trans4Matic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Based on a work at https://www.trans4matic.eu/my-music/lets-make-noise/. Space Walker by Trans4Matic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International …